Thursday, March 01, 2007


Last week with the Boy Scouts we worked on the Personal Fitness Merit Badge. It required that the boys all test a baseline for how many push-ups, sit-ups, and pull-ups they could do. They also have to run a mile. At the end of six weeks they need to show improvement on these exercises.

I decided to do the exercises as well. I couldn't do a single pull-up; however, I beat all of the boys (not the two other adults) in sit-ups and tied the best boy in push-ups. I'm not dead yet.

Of course the next day I was a little sore. The day after that I was REALLY sore. The last of the pain subsided a full six days after the workout. Which leads me to a quote I read recently that I really like.

"Pain is weakness leaving the body."

At first flush this saying is kind of insulting. I mean, what about the chronically ill person that through no fault of their own, is wracked with pain? Or the person that suffers from back pain for years with no relief?

Even then, I believe, God is giving us a chance to strengthen our character. I have met some people that have been to depths of physical pain and they can come out of it much stronger in character. I have also met one or two that have come out of their pain wounded and bitter.

So, once again, I am amending someone else's saying:

"Pain helps weakness leave the body."

There, that should take it from Gym cliche' to profound.


kodiak73 said...

What you fail to do is give us hard numbers (except 0 pull-ups) to compare ourselves to you? How many sit-ups? How many push ups? You didn't say how your 1-mile time even compared. When I did that merit badge with them a few years back I was astounded at how slow some of those boys ran it.. 12, 13, even 14 minutes...

FYI, just because you are not going to the Reunion, doesn't mean you are getting out of our little wager! Maybe we will have to do dinner at Golden Corral during Jamie and my visit to Silver en route to Salt Lake. (FYI that looks like arriving around noon on July 7th and leaving first thing in the morning July 9th)

Papa J said...

42 Situps in 1 minute

24 Push up in 1 minute

I died after 1 lap (under 2 minutes), mainly because I tried to pace myself with two regular joggers. Nate took me back to the track the next day for some Daddy time and we paced it a little better, but I didn't time anything, it was for fun after all.

Anonymous said...

I like your philosophy. I do wonder though where the pain we cause ourselves through stupid/selfish decisions fits in? What about the pain inflicted on innocent victims? Does this theory only apply to physical pain then?
What do ya think?

Papa J said...

That's why I changed it to "Pain HELPS weakness leave the body." I think our own stupidity can help us. Some of my most real pain was knowing how I hurt others. That guilt led me to behave better and be more contrite towards those I have hurt.

I do agree though that there are the innocent victims... I'll have to think about that one some more.

Incognito said...

Very true about pain allowing us to learn and, therefore, evovle, as with anything in life that comes our way. Negative or positive.

About 3 plus years ago, out of nowhere, I was struck with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Every joint in my body from the shoulders down was wracked with excruciating pain. I was very sick for about a year, unable to work, and wasn't sure I would ever be able to again. With prayer and herbs and supplements, my Rheumatologist is amazed at how well I am doing. My point is, that I learned so much form this dis-ease and actually am grateful for it.