Tuesday, March 13, 2007

My Wife Left Me

I know this is not the typical forum for this kind of an announcement, yet it is true. My wife has left me...

Of course, she'll be back Thursday night. She's gone to Mesa to help out a dear friend of ours and that is part of why I love her so much.

The past few weeks there has been a sister in the ward that has been helping my wife with some of the house chores. Mind you, my wife had the house mostly under control...its not like we live underneath piles of junk. All the same this sister has felt compelled to come and help out around the house. I'm grateful to her as my wife is also. It is nice when someone offers a no strings attached bit of service.

So my wife, when she found out her friend would need some service after a surgery, volunteered. She made all of the arrangements to have the children cared for during her absence and there we are. She's left me.

I wouldn't have it any other way.


Kristine said...

No wonder you wanted me to read your blog. It made both Susan and I smile.

I love you and your support. I know Susan really appreciates it too.

See you Thursday night!

Blazingcatfur said...

Thats a lot of Kids, who is cookin? I remember the "meals" my dad made when Mom was away - I have 5 brothers and 1 Sister. The best part was grocery shopping - he let us load up on all the major food groups - cookies, ice-cream and Cap'n Crunch.

Papa J said...

My parents came up to help out with the kids. Normally, I would be the cook; however, two nights ago the same woman who helped clean the house brought dinner for us and last night we had lasagna out of a box. I would probably be like your dad except we're working on our debt snowball and have recently sworn off most of the extras your dad got for you :(

HopalongJohn said...

Hey bro..you know you are just so sickening sweet.
just a note to let you know your now alone.
Love to you and your brood