Thursday, October 05, 2006

Name that line

Here's a concept for a new game show. In the spirit of "Name That Tune" they could play one word at a time from a movie until the contestant either finishes the line and names the movie, or just names the movie. You get extra points if you can name the actor, actor's character, etc.

So let's play, see how you do:

1. "(whispered) the Users, the Users, the Users... Are you a User?"
2. "He who would pun would pick a pocket"
3. "I died that day, and you can die too for all I care."
4. "(chanted) Run Home Jack! Run Home Jack"
5. "Still...I don't know, do you think a guy like me and a girl like her..." "No!"
6. "Snakes? I hate snakes"
7. "You were the Chosen One!"
8. "(sung in monotone) I want the knife...Please"
9. "The pass is open, the pass is open, all able bodies gather at the meeting house." (Except no one ever does they all just ride off.)
10. "Do you know how vile it is to hear the first song bird of the morning when you've been up all night crying?"
11. "Now show me, sand 'a flo'"
12. "What about this birthmark right here?"
13. "Will you give me your word that I may take all that I can carry?" "Whatever you may carry." (laughing) "All right bring him back, I'll give you a horse."
14. "I caught you a delicious bass."
15. "Kiss me! (That's NOT and order)"
16. "What we need are some nice 'taters" "'Taters? What's 'taters?" "PO-TAH-TOES."
17. "She turned me into a newt (pause) I got bet'er"

That should be enough for this weeks episode.


Papa J said...

I didn't know all of these names, I looked most of them up on
TRON - Crom, Peter Jurasik
MASTER AND COMMANDER - Dr. Stephen Maturin, Paul Bettany
PRINCESS BRIDE - Buttercup, Robin Wright Penn
HOOK (Pirates Baseball spectators)
STAR WARS - Han Solo and Luke Skywalker just after they get away from the Death Star, Harrison Ford and Mark Hamil
INDIAN JONES RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK - Indian Jones, Harrison Ford, as he climbs into the cockpit the next line is even better, "Come on Indie, show a little backbone."
STAR WARS - REVENGE OF THE SITH - Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ewan McGregor
THE GOLDEN CHILD - Chandler Jarrell, Eddie Murphy is asking some monks for a knife with mystical powers.
SUPERMAN II - Lois Lane, Margo Kidder
KARATE KID Mr. Miyagi, Pat Morita
PRICESS AND THE PAUPER - Princess Annaliese, Melissa Lyons
EVERAFTER - Daniele d'Barburac, Drew Barrymore
NAPOLEON DYNAMITE - Napoleon Dynamite , Jon Heder
ELLA ENCHANTED Prince Charmond, Hugh Dancy
THE TWO TOWERS - Samwise Gamgee, Sean Austin & Gollum, Andy Serkis
of course, MONTY PYTHON AND THE HOLY GRAIL - Peasant Villager, I think this was Jon Cleese

Kristine said...

Very fun game sweetheart.

Definitely a keeper.

I'll be looking forward to next week's installment.

Jamie said...
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Anonymous said...

I never knew you had so much free time to watch movies!
Great game. I look forward to future installments.

Anonymous said...

I got #4!