Thursday, October 12, 2006

Name that Line Oct 12, 2006

As explained last Thursday, here is the latest installment of name that line:
1 point for the movie, 1 point for the character's name, 1 point for the actor's name an extra 5 points if you can legitamately name another movie that has the same line not including different versions of the same movie.

e-mail any suggestions you want to contribute to next week's installment to:

1. "We shall not go quietly into the night,..."
2. "Oh Captain! My Captain"
3. "I'm an Uncle! (Passes out)"
4. "Baby steps to the door, Baby steps to the elevator..."
5. "Do you have a kiss for dad-dy?"
6. "And Daddy...They took my boot!"
7. "If money is a curse, may God curse me with it and may I never recover."
8. "Do you trust me?" "What?" "Do you TRUST me?!" "Yy-e-ss?" "Than jump!"
9. "Come down! Ladies come down!"
10. "He distinctly said "to blave." And, as we all know, "to blave" means "to bluff."

Number 10 was corrected so if you took the test and couldn't get but now you can then give yourself an extra point for being as smart as my twin.

How many points did you get?

The first comment holds the answer key.


Papa J said...

1. Independence Day, President Thomas J. Whitmore, Bill Pullman
2. Dead Poets Society, Todd Anderson, Ethan Hawke
3. Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, Gideon Pontipee, Russ Tamblyn
4. What About Bob?, Bob Wiley, Bill Murray
5. Ferris Buller's Day Off, Ferris Buller, Matthew Broderick
6. Disney's "Tarzan", Jane Porter, Minnie Driver
7. Fiddler on the Roof, Tevye, Chaim Topol
8. Disney's "Aladdin", Aladdin and Princess Jasmin, Scott Wienger and Linda Larkin
9. The Importance of Being Ernest, Jack and Algy aka Ernest(s), Collin Firth and Rupert Everett
10. The Princess Bride, Miracle Max, Billie Crystal

I scored 20 points myself. I looked up the rest at

On the lines with two actors give yourself a half point each correct identification

kodiak73 said...

I scored 20 as well which is not to bad considering I didn't know either the Dead Poets Society or The Importance of Being Ernest references. I've never even seen "Ernest" and it has been at least 10 years since I saw Dead Poets, I feel pretty good about it. One question, my mind is telling me your last quote is wrong. I want to say, "'to blaith' which we all know means to bluff". Am I just wrong?

Papa J said...

You might be right. I am doing these quotes by memory and it is possible that my awesome memory skills are as good as Nepoleon's awesome Nunchuku skills.

Kristine said...

I'm linking my blog to this game today Pat...I got a 15! Pretty good for a non-movie line rememberer.

Millie said...

Hubby and I recreate the "Do you have a kiss for daddy" scene all the time. ;)

Anonymous said...

I don't whatch grown up movies, as I'm only twelve, but I did get number 8, Aladdin, Aladdin with Jamine. So I got two points.

Anonymous said...

Line 2, "Captian, My captian," was also a peom about Lincoln after he was assasinated.