I have just one question. When did politics turn into a religious debate?
I am a religious man. I hold dearly to the values that my parents have tought me and I indeed feel on my own. I will readily admit that the political debates that we have around gay marriage, abortion, sex scandals, and the interaction between church and state move me to strong emotions. It upsets me; however, to be so deftly manipulated.
What are the real issues that the state should be concerned with?
Establishing Justice, insuring domestic Tranquility, providing for the common defense, promotingthe general Welfare, and securing the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.
If a candidate has a platform on healthcare. That's a real issue. If a candidate has a platform on prayer in school, gay marriage, or condoms in the school. Pay attention. That candidate thinks you're a dupe and will fall in line becuase he or she has successfully pushed your hot button.
I won't fall for it this go around. I'm going to vote for the cadidate that talks about what they are really going to do for America. Not the one who talks about what we should believe in America. I'll leave that job up to my conscience and the Sunday School teacher.
As you hear the tribal drum beating this election cycle. Just realize its meant to make you dance.

Amen to that!
For me the most important issue at this point is the candidate's position on the war on terror and defense.. the rest of the issues will be moot if we are all blown to smithereens.
I tend to agree with you, however, you fail to address two questions. 1)Which of the candidates do you believe actually meets this idealistic candidate profile of yours and 2)Based on the widespread prevalence of the easily duped, how do you expect someone who has a true vision for the country to win without catering to the hot button voters as well? Just a taste of reality to the idealistic...
You can't play with the pigs and stay clean. I realize that every politician becomes obligied to address the hot button issues, especially when they start to gain traction with the press or the polls.
Still, a good candidate in my mind will be the one that focuses on real issues and can avoid adding to the tribal music.
I think John McCain has done a pretty good job so far. But I don't think he has a chance in Hell of getting the nomination because he has never played the tribal tunes that would ingraciate him with the far right.
And there's the condundrum. In order to win the nomination you can't just play with the pigs. You have to be one.
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