I have fond memories of my scoutmasters. For the first few years my dad was it. He was always a different man when we were out camping. Not better, not worse, just different. I feel like I know him better because of the time that I spent watching him interact with my friends. My second scoutmaster was the scoutmaster in his troop for decades. He still had the scouting spirit burning strong when I moved back to my hometown a decade after leaving. He was awarded the Silver Beaver for his decades of selfless service.
I see the young men I am teaching now and I marvel at the potential they all have. We're going camping tomorrow, (I'm writing this late Thursday night,) and once again I find myself feeling that thrill of anticipation before the big event. I'm scoutmaster to one of my own boys. I hope he'll have the same fond memories of scouting with his father that I do. I hope that decades from now, I'll still love scouting and the joy of teaching scouting to young men. I hope that some day my boy will look back at his youth and want to be a scoutmaster too. And make a difference in at least on person's life.
Wowie.. you are one busy guy.. God bless you!
Hope you had fun out camping with the bugs and the dirt, and, and...
can you tell, I was never a big fan of camping...
I loved the time I served as the Scoutmaster of that very same troop. I'm guessing you are doing a better job than I did. I'ld like to think that is because you have a son in the troop and my oldest was what, 2?, when I was the Scoutmaster. But in all reality I have to admit, I think your more outgoing personality and far more humble ego are better suited to that role.
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