Tuesday, May 08, 2007

My week off

I didn't listen, read, or watch the news.

I didn't blog or read blogs.

I spent the last week at home with my children while my wife went to a seminar out of state.

Here's some of the things that I learned or stuck out in my life the last week:

Bam-bam lived up to his name and took a swan dive out of a shopping cart. (No permenant damage, but you can still see the bruise.)

Miss M had a all day field trip. She got up at four and stayed up 'til ten and the meltdown didn't come for almost twenty-four hours and it was a small one.

Bug ran in a school track and field day. I missed his last event because the school got ahead of schedule and didn't bother trying to stick with the schedule they had sent home to the parents. I saw his school locker. How can he be so neat at school and so sloppy at home?

Tiny has even worse vision then we first thought. It does help to know what his limitations are though so we can work on compensating with him. (Instead of just relying on him figuring it all out on his own.) We're even thinking of buying him what is called an "identifier" cane. Basically it is a white folding cane you see being used by the blind. It would help people remember his limitations and compensate rather than just seeing a cute kid with glasses and assuming that he has no vision problems.

Angel Face gets goofy when he wants attention. Its funny at first but the seventeenth time he tells you that the dinner dishes should be cleaned in his brain, it just looses its appeal.

Lucy is a true sweetheart. She does everything she can to be helpful. I have no doubt that they made the pink aisle at Wal-mart for her.

I miss my wife when she is gone, even after almost fourteen years of marriage. She does more for our family than I give her credit for.

These are all good things to find out as a proud papa.

1 comment:

Incognito said...

That's wonderful P.J! To have been able to spend quality time with your kids and not expose yourself to the ills of the world. A truly remarkable thing to be able to do. Not reading the news etc. Good for the Soul.

And, I think all families with kids (not that I have any) should allow the wives to take off for a week. As you mention, it makes men appreciate how much women do.

welcome back to the blogosphere! We missed you.