Thursday, August 24, 2006

What makes a favorite?

For your profound thinking pleasure I proffer the following question: What makes something your favorite? Some of my favorites are very certain. I prefer Purple above all other colors. Did I say certain? Because I can think of some circumstances when Purple wouldn't be favored at all. (Old ladies hair for example.) So, in honor of my question I will offer you my new favorite poem:

You may think me shallow or fickle
yet firmly I swear it is true
my favorite food is a pickle
but that's not my favorite for you.
For you I would favor a breath mint
you may think my preference rude
for the cost don't think me a skinflint
no importance is place on the food.
These choices are simply explain-ed
The pickle is a favorite treat
once the garlic my breath's truely tainted
mint turns my breath back to sweet.
Please, let me know what makes something your favorite.

1 comment:

Kristine said...

I'm thinking way too hard for a comment here.
What makes a favorite a favorite?
For food--the More-ishness of it included with the flavor
For experience--the level of intensity of emotions accompaining the said experience
For people--the way I feel around them
For games--the intellectual stimulation or "fun" factor
For color--it's ability to soothe and/or influence my moods

Liked the poem.
Glad you carry mints or other mouth-pleasing accoutrements in your pockets. No one likes poopy breath.